That's not what the Death card means

Objectivity went out the window, along with a few objects
written 2006-08-22 15:59:43

Arbitration - looks very interesting. My professor is a tiny Russian woman, who advised us to sit close to the front of the room due to her soft voice and noticeable accent. Already hitting some of the conceptual stuff, so that's good stuff. A little deep, sure. Mention has been made of the ancient practice of village elders hearing disputes.

Estate Planning - Prof. Martin again, who taught my Estates, Wills and Trusts class and my Estate and Gift Tax class. He's hitting us with lots of very practical experience stuff. We'll have to submit a draft of a document usable in practice almost every week, so I imagine we'll have a pretty useful book of material by the end of the year.

Domestic Relations - Prof. Clarke opened with, "This class might as well be called divorce law." That's a good note to open on. She's alternately jovial and hard-assed, as I recall. She may have been responsible for a kid in my first-year class dropping out. Today it was all jokes and such, but I'm sure that'll wobble.

Already have assignments, but no food in the house. (Exception: the haystacks Bren made. I'm making those things last. Mmmm.) Tomorrow I have a huge gap in my schedule, so I'm going grocery shopping midday. Homework tonight and tomorrow night.

If I lied about everything, would this be more interesting reading?

--15:59 PM, EST, Ada, OH

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