I have to move in May. I checked into some costs, and it looks like a moving van will run from $550 to $650 (or $1473 for movers! That's worthwhile), and I need to look into storage in PA. If anyone knows anything about lessening the cost of moving, I'm taking suggestions - moving or storage.
I hope to be able to apply some of my last loan money to my existing credit card debt. The rates are better.
I have class on Saturday AM, so I do not have any games to play. I will be sad and gameless.
Laundry last night was an adventure. There were multiple instances of "well now I have to drive here" and a lot of moments where the wailing trumpet of a sound effects track would point up how stupid or incompetent I looked. Did that make sense to anyone? "Wah-waaaaah." I mean, it's laundry. How competent do you have to be?
Thanks for the e-mail this week, people. Good to hear from all'a'y'all.
--14:53 PM, EDT, Ada, OH
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