Cost of accidentally clicking "US Bank" instead of "Commerce Bank" on my Visa e-bill: somewhere in the $70-$100 range. This does not include the cost of the paid bill, which was also about $100. There are separate fees for making a charge that's not supported by existing funds, and for overdrafting your account. Then there are fees for each day you remain in the red. Sad postscript: this is all my fault, for accidentally clicking "US Bank" when I paid my Visa.
Cost of books for four of my five classes: $450, roughly. I still have one more class to buy for, but I didn't want to carry that many books at once. And I managed to sign up for another course that assigned a huge, phone book sized statute book that we'll use once in a while, then will be obsolete by the time the course is offered again.
Cost of a movie in Ada: still $3. That's nice. Talladega Nights was not nearly as good as Anchorman, but that might be an unfair comparison.
I'd love to have something in here like, "Cost of a night in Tijuana with a chimpanzee, a magician and that single 40-something from Accounts Receivable: priceless." I can't figure it out, though. Let me know if you have the answer.
--10:37 AM, EST, Ada, OH
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